Special Education Service Delivery Plan - June 14, 2022
1. What process was used to develop the delivery system for eligible individuals?
The delivery system was developed in accordance with Iowa Administrative Code rule 41.408(2)”c”. The group of individuals who developed the system included parents of eligible individuals, special education teachers and general education teachers, administrators, and at least one representative of the AEA.
Spring 2022 members included:
Alycia Hopp (AEA), Jessica Figge (parent), Cindy Ryland (parent), Heather Madsen-(parent/teacher), Kim Myers (special education teacher), Andrea Wheatley (special education teacher), Jamie Jones (parent/teacher), Heather Fuger (administrator), Kim Ensminger (administrator).
2. How will service be organized and provided to eligible individuals?
See "Continuum of Services"
3. How will caseloads of special education teachers be determined and regularly monitored?
The District's regular early childhood program and early childhood special education programs will meet the criteria of the Preschool Program Standard regarding maximum class size and teacher-child ratios.
For programs K-21 years, maximum caseload shall not exceed 120 points for PreSchool, 88 points for K-3, 96 points for 4-5, 100 points for 6-8, or 120 points for 9-12 grade levels according to the adopted matrix.
See "Caseload Matrix".
4. What procedures will a special education teacher use to resolve caseload concerns?
See "Caseload Review Procedures"
5. How will the delivery system for eligible individuals meet the targets identified in the state’s performance plan and the LEA determination as assigned by the state? What process will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the delivery system for eligible individuals?
The district will examine their SPP/APR (State Performance Plan/Annual Progress Report) data to determine priorities and develop an action plan. The district will work in collaboration with the state and AEA. If the district meets SPP/APR (State Performance Plan/Annual Progress Report) requirements, the delivery system will be considered effective. If the district does not meet requirements, the process described in question 5 will be used.