Welcome to Central Lee Elementary!
Heather Fuger, Principal
Central Lee Elementary School
2642 Highway 218
Donnellson, IA 52625
Phone: 319-835-9510
Montrose Local Phone: 319-250-1201
Fax: 319-835-5020

Welcome to Central Lee Elementary! Home to the HAWKS- Hawks Are Willing Kind Safe students!
Our Mission:
The purpose of Central Lee Elementary is to build a strong foundation for the future by providing a safe learning environment that engages all students through challenging expectations, where teachers, students, and parents work together to equip all students with the tools needed for lifelong success.
The staff at Central Lee is currently preparing and planning for another successful school year. As the new geothermal air conditioning system project moves into its final stages, the janitorial staff begins putting the finishing touches on the classrooms. Soon rooms will come alive with creative bulletin boards and teacher chatter will fill the hallways.
Central Lee teachers believe in what they do and care deeply about the children with which they work. Here at Central Lee Elementary, teachers use many different types of assessments from standardized tests to formative daily assessments to develop and implement the best educational plan for each individual student. We strive for growth and proficiency for all. We continually work together in our Professional Learning Communities to analyze data, learn new teaching strategies, perfect current teaching strategies, and plan effective lessons.
Not only is collaboration between teachers important, but collaboration with parents is also a priority for us here at Central Lee. Being a parent is the most difficult job we have, but also the most important and rewarding one. As parents we are our child’s first teacher. Modeling a love for learning and being involved in your child’s education will have lasting impacts on your child’s future success. Together, we the teachers and parents, can provide a positive start for our youngsters as they head out on the journey of life.
Central Lee Elementary maintains a rural school environment with up to date technology in our classrooms and computer labs. The veteran staff participates in regular professional development and provides top-notch instruction from grades Pre K to fifth. Class sizes are respectable and teacher resources are readily available.
"Children are our greatest assets and we are dedicated to preparing them for the future."
Heather Fuger, Elementary Principal
More Information
Teachers provide instruction through a variety whole group, small group, and individual formats based on student needs.
Our literacy instruction is based around the “Big 5” phonemics, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary.
We have high implementation of the Renaissance programs- Accelerated Reader and the Star Assessments. These programs provide students with goal setting and increase motivation.
Jolly Phonics is a very successful program implemented at the Kindergarten level to help students learn and apply letters and sounds to reading and writing.
Teachers grades 3rd-5th currently use the MAP assessment developed by NWEA to help guide student instruction.
We follow a very defined MISIC curriculum that is directly tied to the Iowa Core.
Our students follow an ABC rotation with one special- PE, Music, or Art each assigned day.
HAWKS- Hawks Are Willing Kind Safe Students is our Positive Behavior Supports theme. The PBS program helps the staff and students stay focused on appropriate behaviors and motivated to be Bucketfilling Hawks!
Together with the Lee County Health Department we provide our students with healthy eating and living curriculum through the C.A.T.C.H program.