Our Hawks Place program provides an opportunity for students from grades K-5 to attend before and after school care free of charge. The before school program runs from 7am to 8am and the after school program runs from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Any questions can be directed to Danielle Smith at dsmith@centrallee.org.
The Hawk's Place handbook is designed to help answer any questions you might have regarding our Hawk’s Place before and after-school program. Please refer to the Central Lee Elementary Student Handbook for additional behavior consequences, dress code, and other pertinent procedures and regulations.
Click on this link to access the Hawk's Place sign up form.
We look forward to a rewarding year of before and after-school learning thrown in with a lot of excitement, involvement, and fun for all!
Hawk’s Place......Happy Space
Mrs. Smith
Hawk’s Place Coordinator dsmith@centrallee.org