CL Speaking

Central Lee Spanish Classes

In Spanish II, students continue to build upon and expand their Spanish grammar knowledge that was introduced in the previous school year. The curriculum unpacks the details of many written grammar concepts, along with some oral aspects of the language. As we sharpen our skills, these complex concepts begin to interconnect, forming a comprehensive web of understanding.

In addition to these efforts, students have dedicated significant time to understanding how to identify parts of speech and compare and contrast their expressions in English and Spanish. As we close out the year, we will continue to integrate previous knowledge with new material in order to communicate more authentically.

Meanwhile, Spanish III students have spent this school year advancing their grammar knowledge more than ever before, while also revisiting and refining previously learned concepts. Through this progression, students have “graduated” to higher-level Spanish, possessing extensive grammar and vocabulary knowledge. They can identify and demonstrate understanding of many nuances in the language. Alongside these new expectations, students are beginning to acclimate to a class conducted primarily in the target language. With the exception of complex concepts that require clarification, students have experienced significant portions of the curriculum in Spanish and are further expected to communicate in Spanish. Listening skills continue to develop as we focus on writing and reading in the latter half of Spanish III.

Spanish IV students have had a busy year as well. In their final year of Spanish, students are expected to communicate in Spanish regularly. The target language transitions from being a performance to becoming a central component of daily expectations. Last fall, students read the short story “Cajas de Cartón” by Francisco Jiménez. Alongside the story, students completed oral vocabulary quizzes to practice precise communication in Spanish. Students also presented, discussed, and debated the theses of their persuasive essays, thematically related to our unit of study. These debates and discussions were conducted entirely in Spanish, along with other extended pieces of critical literary analysis.

Following this unit, students completed several smaller, grammar-focused units of study. These chapters introduced new concepts quickly while revisiting previously learned material from earlier years. To conclude the year, students studied the Spanish Civil War. This unit, delivered in the target language, challenged students to understand the antecedents and lasting effects of the war from both political and social perspectives. These studies culminated in an analysis of Spain’s evolution from 1923 to 1981.