The 2024-25 school year is off to a great start! We are excited to have fifth grade as part of our middle school, and we have been working hard to achieve our building goals. One of these goals is for students to send weekly emails to parents, updating them on their progress toward their individual iReady and personal goals. If you are not receiving these weekly emails from your student, please contact one of your child’s teachers.
Another important building goal is for students to pass two Math lessons and two Reading lessons in iReady each week. We encourage you to support your student(s) in meeting these expectations.
As always, feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) with any questions or concerns. Teachers should also be sending weekly or bi-weekly emails to keep you updated on classroom happenings.
Upcoming Dates:
October 22: Picture Retake Day
November 4 & 7: Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 15: Veterans Day Assembly