7-12 Math
The 6-12 math department recently received training on Magma Math. Teachers will be piloting Magma Math during the second semester. This tool will enable teachers to collect and analyze data from students’ formative assessments and will be incorporated with the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum. Additionally, high school teachers will be able to use the tool for interventions and extensions of mathematical standards during SOAR time.
Algebra 1 has completed Unit 3 on Two-Variable Statistics and has begun Unit 4 on Functions.
Geometry has finished Unit 4 on Right Triangle Trigonometry and will begin Unit 5 on Volume and Surface Area.
Algebra 2 has completed Unit 3 on Complex Numbers and the Quadratic Formula and will begin Unit 4 on Logarithms and Exponentials.
All curriculum materials can be accessed at home at https://im.kendallhunt.com/.
Pre-Calculus students are expanding on and applying their Algebra 2 Trigonometry concepts with units on Trigonometric Functions and Analytic Trigonometry.
Calculus students are finishing their unit on using derivatives to calculate maximums and minimums in real-life situations before beginning their unit on Integration.
AP Statistics students have finished their unit on Random Variables and are beginning Hypothesis Testing.
Pre-Algebra students recently completed Unit 4 on Basic Geometry and are starting Unit 5 on the Coordinate Plane.
7th Grade Math- Mrs. Kelley
We are making great strides in 7th-grade math! So far, we have completed Unit 1: Scale Drawings, Unit 2: Proportional Relationships, and Unit 3: Circles. We are currently wrapping up Unit 4: Proportional Relationships and Percentages. This unit covers markups, discounts, sales tax, tips, interest, and more. Percentages can be tricky for students, but they are an important concept to understand. We see percentages everywhere—shopping, finances, grades, nutrition, investments, weather…the list goes on!
As many of you know, Central Lee Middle School uses the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum. This curriculum helps students understand that math isn’t just about memorizing rules—it’s about rolling up your sleeves and diving in. The lessons incorporate hands-on activities, real-world examples, and peer collaboration. To provide my students with a “real-world” experience, we will soon be completing a fun and engaging project called “Restaurant Day.” Students select a restaurant menu of their choice and calculate their meal total, sales tax, and tip!
I will be starting maternity leave in the near future, but please feel free to reach out anytime if you have any questions.
Merydith Kelley