ISASP (Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress) Results
In the first week of October, Individual student reports for the Spring 2021 ISASP results will be distributed to all Elementary, Middle and High School Students.The ISASP is intended to provide information to schools and families on how students are performing on the Iowa Core Academic Standards. This test is one indicator we use to measure student academic success.
As you review your student’s ISASP report, take time to discuss the results with them. We encourage you to ask questions and get feedback from your student(s) on their strengths and areas for growth. If you have any questions about the results, reach out to your student’s Teacher or building Principal.
This guide explains how to read the Individual Student Report.
As a district we have heightened our commitment to using a variety of tools, strategies and assessments to help us identify and address learning gaps as a result of the COVID closure and other pandemic challenges we have faced. In addition to the ISASP test, we measure math and literacy growth and success using the aReading assessment and iReady program for K-8 students. At the high school students take the MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) test. As a system, we collaboratively look at these results and use these outcomes to drive our decision making process to ensure we are setting high expectations for student progress and achievement.
At Central Lee a shared commitment in providing quality curriculum and instruction continues to be our focus. These questions are fundamentally aligned to our vision, mission and values at Central Lee.
What do we expect our students to learn? ( Goals/Expectations)
How will we know they are learning? ( Assessment)
How will we respond when they don't learn? – (Intervention)
How will we respond if they already know it? (Student Enrichment/Enhancement)
These questions drive the work of our professional learning communities and collaboration time we have on Wednesday’s after school and at our inservice days.