Members of the CLHS Science Club that competed in the 2022 Southeast Iowa Super Conference Science Fair that was held on the Burlington campus of Southeastern Community College March 10th. Pictured left to right: Jordan Vorwaldt, Jasmine Johnson, Emily Barnhardt, Sidney Gruntmeir, Alivia Cook, Giavanni Stewart, Keating Fuger, Lara Canida, Jacob Hohl, Mercedes Kirchner and Ms. Alicia Schiller
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee High School
Science Fair
Central Lee is hiring bus drivers! 🚌 Earn competitive pay and receive a signing bonus. Learn more and apply by contacting Emeline Britton at
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
bus drivers
Student delegates from CLHS that attended the 2022 Iowa Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. From left to right: Emily Barnhardt (Junior), Sidney Gruntmier (Sophomore), Mercedes Kirchner (Sophomore), Alivia Cook (Freshman) & Jordan Vorwaldt (Junior).
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee High School
Central Lee’s Family STEM Night is coming up in just a couple weeks! This fun event gives students, teachers, and families opportunities to explore science, technology, engineering, and math through a variety of activities. Learn about STEM connections to careers in our community. Family STEM Night is Tuesday, April 5, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the High School. (Setup for businesses and industry can begin at 4 p.m.) We hope to see you there! Questions? Contact
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
STEM Night
Congratulations to Central Lee High School's artists who submitted their work to a local art show.
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee High School
Art Show
P/T Conferences have been rescheduled to March 29, 2022 from 4pm-8pm. Detailed information will be sent from building principals and/or classroom teachers. If you missed seeing your child's teacher before Spring Break, this is a great opportunity to do so! #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
SAVE THE DATE! On May 14, we’ll be celebrating the inductees to the Central Lee Academic, Athletic, and Fine Arts Halls of Fame. Those inducted in both 2020 and 2021 will be honored at this event. This will be the first time we have been able to hold an in-person ceremony due to the impact of the pandemic over the past couple years, so we are especially excited! The ceremony will take place at 10 a.m. at Central Lee High School on Saturday, May 14. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Hall of Fame
Congratulations to the High School Large Group Speech Team for making it to State Large Group Contest. They performed at Kennedy High School and received two II ratings and a I rating. Well done ladies!
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee High School
Speech Team
Spring has sprung! 🌱🌷☀️☂️ Today is the spring equinox and the official first day of spring. Also called the vernal equinox, it is a day of equal amounts of daylight and darkness in all parts of the world as the sun passes directly over the equator. Fun fact: Equinox comes from the latin words “aequus” (equal) and “nox” (night), literally translating to “equal night.” #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Hello Spring
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We feel 🍀lucky🍀 to have our engaged and dedicated students, our committed and talented staff, and to serve in our supportive community! #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
St Patrick's Day
It’s International Pi Day! Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14 in the month/day format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π. In mathematics, pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. That is, if you drew a circle and measured its circumference (the length around the perimeter of a circle) and then divided that number with the length of that same circle’s diameter (the measure of a circle from left to right passing through the center point), your answer would always be the same: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679…and so on, since Pi is an infinite number and the decimal points can go on forever! #PiDay #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Happy Pi Day
Just a reminder that #DaylightSaving starts this weekend! Be sure to set your clocks forward one hour. The change takes effect at 2 a.m. Sunday morning. ⏰ #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Daylight Savings
On Friday, March 11, the Central Lee Community School District will join schools and other organizations around the world to celebrate International Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Day. SEL is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Central Lee is proud to provide social emotional learning resources to support student and staff mental health, build positive social interactions and promote equity and access for all! #SELDay #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Social-Emotional Day
The weather may have gotten in the way of Grand Brunch planned for today, but we will pivot and provide an opportunity to support the library tomorrow, Saturday, March 12th from 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Please come out before you head on those spring break trips and grab the kiddos some new reading materials and a dozen donuts. Thank you for your flexibility and support!
almost 3 years ago, CL Elementary
Last Chance Book Sale
Due to today only being a scheduled half day, Central Lee is canceling school on Friday, March 11, 2022 due to winter weather. Enjoy an early start to Spring Break!
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
The past week Hawk's Place students have enjoyed various field trips to Ft Madison. Kindergarten and first grade students visited Addington Place and performed a song with guest guitarist, Dave Roth. Second and third grade students celebrated Dr Seuss's birthday with residents at the Kensington and enjoyed a visit to Ft Madison Area Arts Center while our older students enjoyed a little Irish fun at Elliott Test Kitchen!
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee Hawk's Place
Addington Place Residents enjoying a song from Hawk's Place kindergarten and first grade students.
Art Center
Irish fun at Elliott Test Kitchen
Due to winter weather and projected forecast, Central Lee will be dismissing at 1:30 p.m. on March 10, 2022. P/T conferences will be rescheduled after Spring Break. There will be no PM preschool.
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
“Every child is an artist.” – Pablo Picasso March is Youth Art Month! This month we will be featuring student artwork across our schools in recognition of the essential skills developed through art experiences, such as problem solving, creativity, observation and communication! 🎨 #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Art Month
Congratulations to our Quiz Bowl Team for their 1st place finish at the Van Buren County Invitational!
almost 3 years ago, CL Athletics
quiz bowl
It’s Music In Our Schools Month! In the Central Lee Community School District, we believe music is an essential part of our students’ development. We are proud to have a robust music program, from our general music classes to our choirs, bands, marching band and jazz band! Thank you to our music teachers for bringing the joy of music to our students, and to our music students for putting a song in our hearts and a beat in our souls! #Proud2bCL
almost 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Music Month