Central Lee Alumni Marching Band- October 1st
over 3 years ago, Heather Fuger
Alumni Marching Band
Central Lee Homecoming Parade 2021
over 3 years ago, Central Lee High School
hoco parade
NEW VIDEO: At Central Lee, our students have access to a wide range of programs & opportunities that prepare them for life beyond the classroom. Our Career & College Readiness framework empowers students to become aware of and explore real-world skills. This video showcases another example of those opportunities. Learn more: https://www.centrallee.org/page/career-college-readiness #CTEWorksForCL
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Today, we celebrate the IT professionals who ensure our students maintain access to the technology they need to learn in the 21st century! We would like to especially thank Kris Brewer, Tech Director for Central Lee. We appreciate all your tremendous work, each and every day!
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
IT Day
The Varsity Volleyball tournament scheduled for tomorrow at Keokuk has been CANCELLED. Have a great weekend!
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
While it might not be a widely celebrated holiday, Constitution Day is an opportunity to explore and discuss the most important document in our nation’s history. Read more about the U.S. Constitution and how it was created: https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/constitutional-convention/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjo2JBhCRARIsAFG667VjWSGYD2wmRude7tMXcQfKHi81zzgy_G3sHZehZtPO-x2ywzRSs84aAvNeEALw_wcB
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Central Lee CSD would like to thank Connection Bank for their generous donation to help pay for the LED scores table in our new gym! Connection Bank is a long standing supporter of Central Lee CSD. We are thankful for the continued support! Pictured below is Eric Van Ausdall (Connection Bank), Abby Kesselring (Connection Bank), Kim Fehseke (Connection Bank), Nicole Herdrich (High School Principal), Dr. Andy Crozier (Superintendent), and Wes McGraw (Activities Director). #Proud2bCL
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
The start time for the Middle School Volleyball game today has been changed again by the hosting school back to the original time: 4:30 PM at HTC in West Point - GO HAWKS!
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Students in Agricultural Education II classes at Central Lee high school are learning important aspects of soil science. Students learn technical knowledge while in the classroom and apply those important lessons to real-life situations. Ag-Ed II(sophomores) are preparing for upcoming soil judging events where they will determine the importance of land use and management. Ms. Sadie Smithburg(right), a student teacher from IowaState University is teaching a lesson in soil texture. (L-R) Abbie Strunk, Carly Vanderpool, and Josie Mueller. #CTEworksforCL
over 3 years ago, Tom Boeck
Tomorrow's MS Volleyball game vs. HTC in West Point will start at 4:00 PM. (This is a change from the time on the schedule.) Go Hawks!
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Several students from the Central Lee Ag-Ed and FFA toured Agri-Plastics in Fairfield, Iowa recently. Front(L-R) Mya Lampe, Maddie Wellman, Everlee Harvey, Dustin Newberry, Madalyn Wiegand, Adrienne Britt. (back) Mr. Tom Boeck—Agriculture Instructor and FFA Advisor, Makayla Morrison, Trey Wellman, Mr. Noah Altenhofen--Agriculture Instructor and FFA Advisor, Landon Rudd, Gannon Wells, Payton Stevens, and Aidan Boyer.
over 3 years ago, Tom Boeck
Homecoming shirt orders are due tomorrow, September 15th! Get your order forms here > https://5il.co/y3na (youth sizes > https://5il.co/y3n8) Contact the High School office with any questions.
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
homecoming shirts
Please be aware there will be road construction near our campus starting tomorrow. Expect delays and be drive safely as you enter and exit our campus.
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Road Construction
Central Lee Community, Parents, and Students, In September of each year, the Central Lee Community School District has an independent firm audit its financial records. At the completion of this audit, the district submits a variety of financial reports, certifying our records for the previous school year. We have just recently completed these actions and are ready to provide a financial update to you. Our district continues to be in a strong financial position. The main indicator of financial health is our unspent spending authority, which is the amount of money the district can legally spend in one year. It is not the amount of cash the district has or the amount of revenue coming in. Rather, we tend to think of this as our “credit.” Unspent spending authority has been used by the state of Iowa as an indicator of school district financial health for many years. Our number at the conclusion of FY21 (2020-21) was $3,495,218. For comparison, in 2006, the district had an unspent spending authority of $360,386. Central Lee has seen a steady increase in this number for several years. The board and I have worked hard to invest in new curriculum resources, add staff, and maintain programming without jeopardizing our financial position for the future. In 2019-20, we added five full-time positions to the district budget. We added three more for 2020-21 and two more for 2021-22. This past year, we approved a 3.5% wage increase for all staff and are committed to a 3% increase for 2022-23. This will help us retain high-quality staff and make us more competitive when searching for new professionals to add to our team. We will continue to invest in staffing and resources as long as it does not jeopardize our future fiscal stability. This does not mean we say “yes” to every request. We have been very focused on putting resources in areas we feel help us meet the areas set forth in our strategic plan. If you have any questions regarding school finances, please do not hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Dr. Andy Crozier Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Reminder: We will be holding our first Sports Boosters Meeting on Wednesday, September 15th at 6pm in the High School Commons. All parents with athletes in grades 7-12 are encouraged to attend.
over 3 years ago, CL Athletics
Sports Boosters
Central Lee CSD would like to thank Philp Insurance Agency for their generous donation to help pay for the LED scores table in our new gym! Philp Insurance Agency is a long standing supporter of Central Lee CSD. We are thankful for the continued support! Pictured below is Dr. Andy Crozier (Superintendent), Terra Pohren (Philp Insurance), Christine Jenkins (Philp Insurance), and Kyle Krauter (Philp Insurance). #Proud2bCL
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Riley Stuecker is pictured with his champion swine entrepreneurship project. Riley is an Agricultural Education student and FFA member at Central Lee High School. While in Agricultural Education students are required to operate a Supervised Agricultural Experience project. The Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is a student-led, instructor-supervised, work- based learning experience that results in measurable outcomes within a predefined, agreed upon set of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices aligned to a Career Plan of study. #CTEworksforCL
over 3 years ago, Tom Boeck
R. Stuecker swine
Sadie Smithburg(right) is a student at Iowa State University studying Agricultural Education. She is currently student teaching at Central Lee high school in the agriculture department. Ms. Smithburg is conducting a Supervised Agricultural Experience visit with Maddie Wellman(L) and Trey Wellman (center). The Wellman’s have a multitude of SAE projects on the home farm. Students learn important technical knowledge in the agriculture classroom and apply that knowledge to real-life experiences. #CTEworksforCL
over 3 years ago, Tom Boeck
SAE visit Smithburg
Happy Grandparents’ Day to all our wonderful grandmas, grandpas and step-grandparents out there! You make such a big difference in the lives of our children. We hope you enjoy your day.
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD
Grandparents' Day
Central Lee CSD would like to thank Jones Contracting for their generous donation to help pay for the padded chairs in our new gym! Jones Contracting is a long standing supporter of Central Lee CSD. We are thankful for the continued support! Pictured below Dr. Andy Crozier (Superintendent), Pat Jones (Jones Contracting), and Wes McGraw (Activities Director). #Proud2bCL
over 3 years ago, Central Lee CSD